Monday, February 9, 2015

Dealing with failure

REFLECT:  How do you react when things don't go as expected?

Overcoming fear of failure

Carol Dweck: NOT YET

Common reactions when people fail:
1. Anger
2. Disappointment
3. Shame
4. Fear
5. Avoid responsibility (ie., excuses, blaming others etc.)

Reactions from those who have learned to deal with failure:
1. Positive attitude
2. Determination
3. Healthy competitive attitude
4. Patience with others
5. Self esteem
Steps to take to avoid negative reactions: 
1.  Recognize your own self worth.
2.  Expect failure from time to time.
3.  See failure as an opportunity to grow.
4.  Be realistic and patient with yourself.

Steps to overcome failure:
1. Take responsibility for the failure
2. Review what happened
3. Educate yourself
4. Practice for success in the future
5. Attempt the activity again

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