Follow the instructions below:
1. Open a new document that is 5 inches by 5 inches at 150 resolution.
2. Using the paint bucket tool fill in the background with Red.
3. Type your name across the top of the page in Impact font.
4. Make the font black.
5. Make the middle letter of your name red.
6. Use the Gradient tool to draw a gradient across the screen that goes from blue to yellow.
7. Use the Marquee Tool to select the top left hand corner and move it to the top right hand corner.
8. Use the Rounded Rectangle tool to place a box at the bottom of the page.
9. Use the Eraser tool to cut a crescent shape into the box you just created.
10. Open a picture and place that picture in the middle of the file you are working on.
11. Fit the image between your name and the box
12. Use the Clone Stamp tool to copy a piece of your new layer to the right of that same layer.
13. Change the image size to 100 resolution.
14. Turn the image 90 degrees clockwise.
15. Save the image as a Jpeg and put it on your blog with the title "Photoshop Quiz"
16. Email Mr. Larsen the blog post.
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