Monday, April 6, 2015

Tricaster News Report Assignment

It's time to finish up your news story.  Up to this point we've worked on:
  • The script for the teleprompter
  • The lower third graphic
  • The rotating graphic text that labels your news station

Now it's time to bring it all together and finish the news broadcast. The entire news broadcast should last between 20 and 30 seconds. 

Prepare your script for the teleprompter.  
Read through your script outloud and make sure you know the script well.  The written script should have no spaces between the lines.  It should be one long paragraph.  It should look something like this:

Good Morning Deer Valley!  I'm Bill and today we're coming to you live from the Deer Valley News Room.  Our top story today:  Aliens have landed.  You heard right! Aliens have landed and are demanding a meeting with President Obama.  There's no word yet on their demands but this sentence would include all the information you would want to share with your audience.  The next sentence would include the same.  This is another example sentence.  That's all for your morning news report Deer Valley.  This is Bill signing off.  Stay safe out there. 

Prepare your lower third and your rotating graphic.
Import your lower third and your rotating graphic into Premiere.  Set them up to play for at least 20 seconds.  It's fine if they play a little longer.  This clip should be exported as an .AVI file.

Be prepared to do a run-through of your script in front of the teleprompter.
Starting Wednesday, April 8th, I will ask you to email me your script. I will upload that script into the teleprompter and then you will have a few minutes to practice using the teleprompter. 

You may include pictures or small video clips in your story.  Any extras like pictures or video clips that will help add interest to your story are recommended.  These will play on the TV screen in the background or as supplemental news footage.      

A day will be assigned for you to present your final product.  You should present in a shirt and tie for guys and a nice blouse, pant suit or dress for girls.  You will be allowed to change in the bathroom if you don't want to wear your nice clothes all day.
You will present your news story using your script and teleprompter, the graphic, and help from a cameraman.

As always, if you have any concerns or questions come see me.

Mr. L

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