Sunday, March 15, 2015

News Story Research

News anchors play a big role in what the public thinks about and talks about.  This assignment is the first of a series of assignments that will help you become familiar with the role of the news media in our society and how each member of the news team plays a role in the team's success. 

Your assignment:
Become familiar with the role of the news researcher.  The researcher spends his days sifting through press releases, fact checking, and chasing down stories that might interest the consumer.  The researcher is fundamental. 

To get credit for the assignment:
Find 3 different news stories and write a note to your news team about the story you are researching.  Put the information on your BLOG as a post labeled "News Story Research Assignment" 

What should the note to your team include?
1.  Tell the team about the story in at least 4 sentences but not more than 8. 
2.  Explain what audience you think this story will appeal to.  Who will be interested in it? 

Story 1: A national story of a political or sports nature.
Story 2: A story about something happening in Arizona. (can be anything political, social, educational, entertainment etc.) 
Story 3: A story about something close to you.  What is happening in your world.  What has happened that you have seen?  The story doesn't have to be earth shattering.  It can be as simple as a mom raising her kids and the challenges she faces. 

If you finish the assignment before the end of the class:
Write a teleprompter script for at least one of the stories.  This will be the word for word outline of the story that you will read when you are in front of the camera.  It will appear on the teleprompter when you are telling the story. 

Good Luck.
Mr. L

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