Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Time to Use the Camera

Now that we have a basic understanding of the software we will need for making a movie, it's time to learn how to use the camera to effectively follow a sequence of shots and tell a story.

To begin with, we'll study the types of shots you'll use to tell your story.  Camera shots, angles and movement can contribute to making a movie interesting just as much as characters you use.

Let's look first at the different types of shots most commonly used in the industry.
1.  Click on the link below and study the different shots you'll be using in your assignment.

2.  Now, in a group of 3, choose one of the stories below and act it out using all of the different shots on the page.  You must include all the shots. Remember: You will shoot the movie clips as a group but you must edit your own project in premiere and turn in your own video. 

A thief is caught red handed.
She thinks he's talking about her
Zombie students take over the school
I'm thirsty and the water tastes bad
I'd like to ask her on a date but I'm afraid of rejection
(You can come up with your own)

3.  At the bottom of the web page you'll find a list of the basic movements we'll be using to tell your story.  Incorporate each.  There are some we won't have the equipment for but be creative and get as many as you can.

4.  As you create your movie in Premiere use a title to label the type of shot and the movement you use.  Put the label in the bottom left hand corner. 

5.  Have fun with it.  Be creative.  This project will be due Friday, October 22nd.  We will watch them on the 22nd.

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